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test in vivo中文是什么意思

用"test in vivo"造句"test in vivo"怎么读"test in vivo" in a sentence


  • 体内试验法


  • Fabrication in vitro and cytotoxic test in vivo of self - assembling peptides
  • In vitro endothelial proliferation inhibiting activity of recombinant angiostatin was examined with mtt method by using human umbilical vein endothelial cells ( huvec ) . in this test we could draw the inhibition curve and calculated the ic50 to confirm its bio - activity further we do cam vascular inhibition test in vivo
    4验证重组蛋白angiostatin的生物活性:采用mm法测定重组蛋白对原代培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞( huvec )的抑制作用,绘出抑制曲线,并计算出ic 。
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